To All CurlESP League Members:
As most of you are aware, CurlESP is hosting the Pharmasave Senior Women’s and Strathcona Trust Senior Men’s Provincial Championships from March 19 to 24, 2025. This bonspiel features 16 men’s and 10 (or more) women’s teams, showcasing Manitoba’s best 50+ year old curlers.
While the official draw will not be available until early March, based on last year’s event, our schedule should look like:
March 19, 2025: Practice Ice followed by Opening Reception (Volunteers TBD)
March 20-23, 2025: 4 Draws per day (9 am, 12:30 pm, 4 pm, 7:30 pm) – All 6 sheets in use
March 24, 2025: Semi-finals and Finals (both Men’s & Women’s)
We are asking each league to provide volunteers to assist in the following areas between March 20th to 24th. Each shift will be ~ 3 hours long & we would like people to work between 2-4 shifts.
Admissions: Requires 1-2 people/shift to collect at the door.
50/50: Requires 2 people/shift to sell 50/50 tickets.
Timing: Requires 6 people/draw and we would prefer 4 shifts. Time Clock Operators are responsible for the operation of the time clock on the sheet to which they are assigned. The Time Clock Operator times the “thinking time” for each team. Time clock training is provided. Training generally takes place the week prior to the bonspiel.
Line Scores: Requires 1 person/draw. Enter scores on the computer during the games. Game information is pre-entered, you just have to enter points scored after each end. Training will be provided.
Ice Crew: Requires 1-2 people/draw. Assist the Ice Technician with cleaning the ice. May also be required on March 19th for practice ice.
Please note that volunteers are not required to purchase jackets for this event.
To volunteer, please email Dennis Marand CLICK HEREwith the preferred dates, times and shifts that you would be interested in working.
Thank you for volunteering,
CurlESP Host Committee, Pharmasave Senior Women’s & Strathcona Senior Men’s Provincials
(Update: Feb 4, 2025)